- 25In-fur-mationRead the instructions to the end
- 25Pup and RunningSolve your first puzzle
- 25Help MeowtUse Hint to show a possible letter placement
- 25Use Your WordsUse Hint when there are no letter placement moves left
- 25I Don't Get ItEnter an invalid letter 5 times
- 50I Really Don't Get ItEnter a letter that is invalid in 5 directions
- 25Sweep asideUse Fix to remove mistakes 10 times
- 50Sweep under the carpetUse Fix to remove at least 10 wrong letters at once
- 100Who's a Clever Boy?Solve a puzzle without making a single mistake
- 100The Leashed You Could DoSolve a puzzle without using Fix or Hint
- 25Paws For ThoughtSpend at least a minute considering what to do next
- 100Broom BroomComplete a puzzle in under 60 seconds
- 25Per-fectPlace the name 'Per' perfectly
- 25Bee-utifulPlace the word 'bee' beautifully
- 25Ski-llfulPlace the word 'ski' skillfully
- 25Sir-prisingPlace the word "sir". Gosh, there's a trophy for that?
- 25Fan-tasticPlace the word 'fan' fantastically
- 25Con-gratulationsPlace the word "con" and pat yourself on the back
- 25Pro-fessionalPlace the word 'pro' like a pro.
- 25Pop starPlace the word 'pop' like a star
- 25Ill-uminatingPlace the word 'ill' and be well
- 25Leg-endaryPlace the word 'leg' and … wait for it …
- 25Awe-somePlace the word 'awe' awesomely
- 25Stu-pen-dousPlace the word 'pen' stupendously
- 25Just WowPlace the word 'wow'. That is all.
- 100Sweep the BoardComplete every puzzle
Lightwood Games
Wordsweeper by POWGI
26 / 1 000
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