- 25CarnivaleCompleted the Runciter's Circus vignette sequence.
- 25AltheaCompleted Althea's story.
- 25AugustCompleted August's story.
- 25BerthaCompleted Bertha's story.
- 25CassadyCompleted Cassady's story.
- 25DehaayaCompleted Dehaaya's story.
- 25DupreeCompleted Dupree's story.
- 25FidelinaCompleted Fidelina's story.
- 25FranklinCompleted Franklin's story.
- 25JimmyCompleted Jimmy's story.
- 25Little BenCompleted Little Ben's story.
- 25MasonCompleted Mason's story.
- 25QuinnCompleted Quinn's story.
- 25RayCompleted Ray's story.
- 25RocioCompleted Rocio's story.
- 25RoseCompleted Rose's story.
- 25ShawCompleted Shaw's story.
- 50StorytellerCompleted your task.
- 25The Blues SingerMet Althea, the blues singer.
- 25The SailorMet August, the sailor.
- 25The Dustbowl RefugeeMet Bertha, the dustbowl refugee
- 25The Beat PoetMet Cassady, the beat poet.
- 25The One Who Went UpwardMet Dehaaya, the one who went upward.
- 25Friend of MineCompleted the Devil vignette sequence.
- 25The GamblerMet Dupree, the gambler.
- 25The CuranderaMet Fidelina, the curandera.
- 25The Pullman PorterMet Franklin, the Pullman porter.
- 25The PreacherMet Jimmy, the preacher.
- 25The Coal MinerMet Little Ben, the coal miner.
- 25The Great War VeteranMet Mason, the Great War veteran.
- 25The Hobo KidMet Quinn, the hobo kid.
- 25The CowboyMet Ray, the cowboy.
- 25The Migrant WorkerMet Rocio, the migrant worker.
- 25The HippieMet Rose, the hippie.
- 25The SharecropperMet Shaw, the sharecropper.
- 25Got Your KicksHitchhiked along Route 66.
- 50Where the Water Tastes Like WineFound the place where the water tastes like wine.
- 25Whip-poor-willFound the three whippoorwills.
Serenity Forge
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine: Xbox Edition
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