- 100Unlock SkadiUnlock the Skadi ship.
- 150Unlock SurtUnlock the Surt ship.
- 200Unlock TyrUnlock the Tyr ship.
- 25UnstoppableGet a 25x kill streak in Valhalla.
- 25On FireGet a 10x kill streak in Valhalla.
- 25Earned MastersPay off a Masters degree education.
- 25HoarderPay off any education with only one payment.
- 25Original EquipmentPay off any education using only the original equipment.
- 25Good StudentPay off any education with all four electives equipped.
- 50InterestEarn $100,000 in interest.
- 25SmelterMelt down 5000 items.
- 25TunerUpgrade 5000 items.
- 50MillionairePay $1,000,000 on education loans.
- 25Multi-KillerGet 1000 multi-kills in Valhalla.
- 25Glory HoundAttempt 25 high scores.
- 25Green EnemyDestroy 10,000 green enemies.
- 25Yellow EnemyDestroy 10,000 yellow enemies.
- 25Blue EnemyDestroy 10,000 blue enemies.
- 25Purple EnemyDestroy 10,000 purple enemies.
- 25DestroyerDestroy 1000 destroyer enemies.
- 25BattleshipDestroy 1000 battleship enemies.
- 25BossDestroy 1000 boss enemies.
- 25SpecialDestroy 1000 special enemies.
LLC / Ugly Beard Games
Void Vikings
23 / 1 000
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