- 28TraineeFinish a Hidden-Object Puzzle without any hints.
- 28InvestigatorFinish 3 Hidden-Object Puzzles without any hints.
- 28Elite DetectiveFinish 5 Hidden-Object Puzzles without any hints.
- 28Kid's DrawingFinish a Hidden-Object Puzzle in one minute.
- 28School NewspaperFinish 3 Hidden-Object Puzzles in a row in one minute each.
- 28Private GalleryFinish 5 Hidden-Object Puzzles in a row in one minute each.
- 28Elementary, my dear WatsonFind 100 objects.
- 28Groundbreaking ApproachFinish a Hidden-Object Puzzle using only the alternative challenge.
- 28Master of GuessworkMake no wrong selections in a HOP.
- 28Elaborate InvestigationComplete 5 mini-games without skipping.
- 29Hard Nut to CrackComplete 10 mini-games without skipping.
- 28On the DotComplete a mini-game in one minute.
- 28Eye for DetailFind 3 hidden objects in 3 seconds.
- 28Eagle EyeFind 5 hidden objects in 5 seconds.
- 28All-seeing EyeFind 10 hidden objects in 10 seconds.
- 28Shooting is Permitted!Take pictures of the crime scene.
- 28I'm Certainly Not Here to Eat!Go to the dining car.
- 28Let the Detective Work!Find the clue.
- 28The Culprit is Found!Analyze the data.
- 28The Fish rots from the headExamine the fisherman's cabin.
- 28Relieving StressBreak the pinata.
- 28It's All Clear NowCollect the evidence.
- 28All Doors Are OpenUse your detective ID.
- 28Call AnytimeGet the farm owner's phone.
- 28No Hiding From MeFind information on the killer.
- 28Complimenting the chef.Going to the Kitchen.
- Deduction in ActionAll the evidence are here.
- 28Get a roomDestination: Hotel.
- 28Wanted!Find Lisa.
- 28The Secret of the Mirror.Searching Peter Fellow's Room.
- 28Cab!Open the cab.
- 28Anchors Aweigh!Come on deck of the liner.
- 28All the Evidence Gathered!Bring the evidence to the detective's board.
- 28Ready! Aim! Fire!Get the gun.
- 28AnonymousSearch Ester's cabin.
- 47Case Solved!Obtain all other achievements.
Liste des Succès