- 50Baptism of FireComplete your first mission.
- 50Defender of HumanityComplete the first 4 levels.
- 100RetaliationDestroy 75 enemies with a defense mechanism that activates upon taking damage.
- 100Enemy of GhostsMaterialize 150 ethereal beings with [Silver Shackles].
- 50Dizzy Work ITurn around 100 times.
- 50Dizzy Work IITurn around 200 times.
- 100Dizzy Work IIITurn around 300 times.
- 100Defective TurretDie before you directly harm any enemies with your weapons.
- 100So Close!Lose when the timer shows less than 5 seconds.
- 100Woodpecker's StuntComplete a level after shooting the wall at least 30 times.
- 100SeismologistLure 3 enemies out of hiding with one [Earthquake].
- 100Unbending WillComplete a level with only 1 health left.
Title Update
- 200Level bonus IComplete the first 2 levels
- 200Level bonus IIComplete the first 3 levels
- 200Level bonus IIIComplete the first 5 levels
- 200Level bonus IVComplete the first 6 levels
- 200Level bonus VComplete the first 7 levels
Title Update 2
- 200Dizzy Bonus ITurn around 350 times.
- 200Dizzy Bonus IITurn around 400 times.
- 200Dizzy Bonus IIITurn around 450 times.
- 200Dizzy Bonus IVTurn around 500 times.
- 200Dizzy Bonus VTurn around 550 times.
Liste des Succès2 DLC