- 20Breaking and enteringBreak into the Botanical Bank astuce
- 20Illegal goodsPurchase an item off the dark web astuce
- 20Woah! Guns!Use the weapon rack
- 20For science!Research a weapon astuce
- 20Better, faster, strongerPurchase a Robo-Roid astuce
- 25Buy yourself something niceSteal $1,000 astuce
- 35Rolling in itSteal $10,000 astuce
- 35Hiding your wealthSteal $100,000 astuce
- 50Please stop asking me for moneySteal $1,000,000 astuce
- 35Down the rabbit hole Succès SecretDefeat Yeehaw astuce
- 35Sour apple Succès SecretDefeat the Rotten Candy Apple astuce
- 35Thiccc and snatched Succès SecretDefeat Mecha-Chad astuce
- 35Killed another human...? Succès SecretDefeat Uncle Rigsby astuce
- 45JACKPOT!!! Succès SecretFind the Mysterious Motherlode astuce
- 35Found dad's old stuff Succès SecretFind dad's stuff astuce
- 35See you later space turnip… Succès SecretSteal the Botanical Bank astuce
- 75But at what cost... Succès SecretDefeat the final boss astuce
- 50Photography studentTake all the photos astuce
- 50High fashionObtained all the hats astuce
- 50Ol' naturalPuchase all the Robo-Roids astuce
- 50Five star customerPurchase all the items from the dark web astuce
- 75Five headReach the max level in weapon research astuce
- 150CompletionistComplete all tasks astuce
- 20Woah! Guns!Use the weapon rack