- 15Heads upHeadchop an enemy.
- 15TreasureGet the key to a chest.
- 15BullseyeGet hit by your own arrow.
- 30MarksmanKill a flying enemy with an arrow.
- 15SmithereensGet killed by an explosive barrel.
- 30Ready for battleFinish the tutorial.
- 70Ring the BellHit the lantern on the title screen
- 90Loot!Find the secret gate to the loot room.
- 90Head collectorChop 15 heads enemies in one game.
- 90ArachnicideKill the Spider Queen.
- 90Back to the AbyssKill the Lurking Horror.
- 90DragonslayerKill the Dragon Lord.
- 90Might over magicKill the Sorcerer of Thorn.
- 90Pile of bonesKill the Lich King & Queen.
- 90Unite the crystalsGain all five crystals.
- 90Victory!Finish the game.
Ratalaika Games S.L.
Thy Sword
16 / 1 000
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