- 15THREE STARS! - TRAININGGet Three stars on the training mission.
- 15THREE STARS! - WHITEHOUSEGet Three stars on the whitehouse mission.
- 15THREE STARS! - MINESGet Three stars on the mines mission.
- 15THREE STARS! - SPEEDBOATGet Three stars on the speedboat mission.
- 15THREE STARS! - BEACHGet Three stars on the beach mission.
- 15THREE STARS! - DOCKSGet Three stars on the docks mission.
- 15THREE STARS! - SHIPGet Three stars on the ship mission.
- 15THREE STARS! - AIRBASEGet Three stars on the airbase mission.
- 15THREE STARS! - GASLABSGet Three stars on the gaslabs mission.
- 15THREE STARS! - TRAINGet Three stars on the train mission.
- 15THREE STARS! - WILDSGet Three stars on the wilds mission.
- 15THREE STARS! - PEAKGet Three stars on the peak mission.
- 15THREE STARS! - SNOWBASEGet Three stars on the snowbase mission.
- 15THREE STARS! - SIEGEGet Three stars on the siege mission.
- 15THREE STARS! - TUNNELSGet Three stars on the tunnels mission.
- 15THREE STARS! - FINALGet Three stars on the final mission.
- 15THREE STARS! - GOLFGet three stars on the golf level
- 15THREE STARS! - BOATRACEGet three stars on the boat race
- 15THREE STARS! - GONDOLAGet three stars on the gondola level
- 15THREE STARS! - CELLARSGet three stars on the cellars level
- 15THREE STARS! - ARCHIVESGet three stars on the Archives level
- 15SNOOKER KING!Pot all the balls on the office snooker table.
- 30MEDALS UNLOCKED! - WHITEHOUSEFind all Medals at the Whitehouse
- 30MEDALS UNLOCKED! - MINESFind all Medals at the Mines
- 30MEDALS UNLOCKED! - BEACHFind all Medals at the Beach
- 30MEDALS UNLOCKED! - DOCKSFind all Medals at the Docks
- 30MEDALS UNLOCKED! - SHIPFind all Medals at the Ship
- 30MEDALS UNLOCKED! - AIRBASEFind all Medals at the Airbase
- 30MEDALS UNLOCKED! - GASLABSFind all Medals in the GasLabs
- 30MEDALS UNLOCKED! - TRAINFind all Medals in the Train
- 30MEDALS UNLOCKED! - WILDSFind all Medals at the Wilds
- 30MEDALS UNLOCKED! - MOUNTAINSFind all Medals at the Mountains
- 30MEDALS UNLOCKED! - SNOWBASEFind all Medals at the Snowbase
- 30MEDALS UNLOCKED! - SHANTYTOWNFind all Medals at the Shantytown
- 30MEDALS UNLOCKED! - XMAX VILLAGEFind all Medals at the Xmas Village
- 30MEDALS UNLOCKED! - AIRPLANEFind all Medals at the Airplane
- 30MEDALS UNLOCKED! - OFFICEFind All Medals at the Office
- 30MEDALS UNLOCKED! - GOLFFind all Medals at Golf
- 30MEDALS UNLOCKED! - GONDOLAFind all Medals at the Gondola
- 30MEDALS UNLOCKED! - CELLARSFind all Medals at the Cellars
- 30MEDALS UNLOCKED! - ARCHIVESFind all Medals at the Archives
- 30MEDALS UNLOCKED! - SIEGEFind all Medals at the Siege
- 30MEDALS UNLOCKED! - TUNNELSFind all Medals at the Tunnels
- 40Best Spy of the worldBeat the Final Boss and complete the game!
The Spy Who Shot Me
44 / 1 000
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