- 80House-bound girlWear a daily girl's outfit.
- 80Dressed up girlWear a princess outfit.
- 80Sleepy girlWear sleepwear.
- 80Poor little girlWear a lost girl outfit.
- 80Lots of pain IDie 5 times.
- 80Lots of pain IIDie 15 times.
- 80Lots of pain IIIDie 30 times.
- 80Nothing stops meDestroy 12 traps.
- 80Exceptional adventurerRide for the first time.
- 10Cat collector IFind the cat in chapter 1 level 2.
- 50Cat collector IIFind the cat in chapter 1 level 4.
- 60Cat collector IIIFind the cat in chapter 1 level 8.
- 70Cat collector IVFind the cat in chapter 3 level 2.
- 90Cat collector VFind the cat in chapter 6 level 2.
DLCTitle Update
- 200Lots of pain IVDie 45 times.
- 200Lots of pain VDie 60 times.
- 200Cat collector VIFind the cat in chapter 2 level 2.
- 200Cat collector VIIFind the cat in chapter 2 level 9.
- 200Cat collector VIIIFind the cat in chapter 4 level 2.
Eastasiasoft Limited
The Prisoner of the Night
19 / 2 000
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