- 30Close EncounterThere is something strange in the woods.
- 30Be More CunningGet some advice from beyond.
- 30HospitableHelp someone, or something... in need.
- 30Bringing Home the CopperFind some good electrical conductors.
- 30A Crunchy SnackServe up a winged meal.
- 30Dealing With a Big ThingGet some advice about bullies.
- 90The Grim FeastServe up a large meal.
- 90Final MealServe one final meal.
- 70Roadside BeatingShowdown in the streets.
- 30Grade A LumberHave a talk with 'teach' about class.
- 15Checking the PowerInvestigate some of the electrical disturbances in town.
- 15Nose for SecretsFind the hidden place!
- 15Checkin' Them DoorsCheck all points of egress!
- 15A Nice Place to RestWarm up your feet a little!
- 15Show Some RespectDon't be rude.
- 15Glimpse of the FutureVet all of your options.
- 15There Has To Be a Better WayFowler would not approve of doing any unnecessary work.
- 15EntomologistTake up bug collecting.
- 15ArtistMaybe take some time to do a little drawing.
- 15DisappointmentAdmire your collection of bats and balls.
- 15Real Healthy Self ImageTake a good long hard look at yourself.
- 15Pawn ShopInvestigate your comic collection.
- 15Empty CupboardsTry to make dinner.
- 30Party LineTry making a call.
- 30WorthlessCheck out those paper mill tools.
- 301980's CableTry to change the TV station.
- 15Sweet MudflapsAdmire 'Big Orange.'
- 30FlattenedBring home a strange meal.
- 30CannedPut a mess to good use.
- 30ToolboxFind some tools.
- 30It is Free, ManEssential and standard issue.
- 30DiscountUse your five-finger discount.
- 30Higher LearningHelp spread knowledge from here to the stars.
- 30Now Find the LightningProcure the jar of the masons.
- 30Visiting OregonTake a trip to the great Pacific Northwest.
Ratalaika Games S.L.
The Prince of Landis
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