- 25Blood ThirstKill 100 Wicked
- 75Kill Or Be KilledKill 1000 Wicked
- 75God Stopped Watching...
- 25Where The Ocean Washes Away ToEnter the world of the wicked
- 75Friend RotConfront a traitor...
- 50StrengthUpgrade damage 6 times
- 50GreedUpgrade money multiplier 6 times
- 50PowerUpgrade stamina 6 times
- 50ProtectionUpgrade health 6 times
- 75The ForgottenDefeat The Forgotten
- 75The PunishmentDefeat The Punishment
- 75The DespicableDefeat The Despicable
- 75The WeaselDefeat The Weasel
- 75The HatredDefeat The Hatred
- 75The DreadfulDefeat the Dreadful
- 75The WickedDefeat the Wicked
Top Hat Studios
The Lost And The Wicked
16 / 1 000
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