- 15Bumbo The NimbleBeat Chapter 1 with Bumbo the Brave.
- 15The Forlorn HollowBeat Chapter 1 with Bumbo the Brave.
- 15The Halls of BelialBeat Chapter 2 with Bumbo the Brave.
- 15Bumbo Smash!Beat chapter 4 once with Bumbo the Brave.
- 15Snow GlobeBeat chapter 4 twice with Bumbo the Brave.
- 1520lbs WeightBeat the game with Bumbo The Brave while holding 45+ coins.
- 15Bumbo The StoutBeat Chapter 2 with Bumbo the Nimble.
- 15Needle!Beat chapter 4 once with Bumbo the Nimble.
- 15Toothpick!Beat chapter 4 twice with Bumbo the Nimble.
- 15BackstabberBeat the game with Bumbo The Nimble while holding 45+ coins.
- 15Bumbo The WeirdBeat Chapter 3 with Bumbo the Stout.
- 15Stick!Beat chapter 4 once with Bumbo the Stout.
- 15Blender BladeBeat chapter 4 twice with Bumbo the Stout.
- 15Cat HeartBeat the game with Bumbo The Stout while holding 45+ coins.
- 15The BasementBeat Chapter 3 with Bumbo the Weird.
- 15Puzzle FlickBeat chapter 4 once with Bumbo the Weird.
- 15Magic MarkerBeat chapter 4 twice with Bumbo the Weird.
- 30PauseBeat the game with Bumbo The Weird while holding 45+ coins.
- 15Attack FlyBeat chapter 4 once with Bumbo the Dead.
- 15Number TwoBeat chapter 4 twice with Bumbo the Dead.
- 30Buzz UpBeat the game with Bumbo The Dead while holding 45+ coins.
- 15The D6Beat chapter 4 once with Bumbo the Empty.
- 15Glitch!Beat chapter 4 twice with Bumbo the Empty.
- 3020/20Beat the game with The Empty while holding 45+ coins.
- 90Holy MantleBeat the game with Bumbo The Lost while holding 45+ coins.
- 90Bumbo The LostBeat Chapter 1-3 without taking damage.
- 15Bumbo The Dead Succès SecretBeat Chapter 4.
- 30Everything's Terrible!Beat chapter 4, 4 times.
- 30Bumbo The Empty Succès SecretBeat the game twice with each character.
- 30The NegativeBeat the game with Bumbo The Lost.
- 15Dead DoveBeat the game with Bumbo The Lost twice.
- 15Mega Boogie!Make a 7+ Booger tile combo.
- 15Mega Chomper!Make a 7+ Tooth tile combo.
- 15Mega Boner!Make a 7+ Bone tile combo.
- 15Mega Peepee!Make a 7+ Pee tile combo.
- 15Mega Turd!Make a 7+ Poop tile combo.
- 25Mega Love!Make a 7+ Heart tile combo.
- 30Mega Cursed!Make a 7+ curse tile combo.
- 15Brimstone!Win the jackpot ending once.
- 15Bloody BagWin the jackpot ending twice.
- 15Prayer CardWin the jackpot ending three times.
- 15Suck BagWin the jackpot ending four times.
- 15Krampus CrossWin the jackpot ending five times.
- 15Soul BagWin the jackpot ending six times.
- 15D20Win the jackpot ending seven times.
- 15Juice BagWin the jackpot ending eight times.
- 15LibraWin the jackpot ending nine times.
- 30Bag of TrashWin the jackpot ending ten times.
The Legend of Bum-bo
48 / 1 000
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