- 100Free the LichFree the Lich
- 100Kill the SpiderKill one Spider
- 100Collect 5 Loot itemsCollect 5 Loot items
- 100Defeat 3 SlimesKill 3 Slimes in the Forest
- 100Defeat 3 OgresDefeat 3 Ogres
- 100Destroy the BoxesDestroy the Boxes
- 100Get Level UpGet Leveled Up
- 100End the TutorialEnd the Tutorial level
- 100First RealmEmbark into Forest Realm
- 100Rise from the deadDie
DLCTitle Update
- 200Reach the Boss LesovikYou must reach the Boss Lesovik
- 200Big skeleton killerKill 4 Big Skeletons from the catacombs
- 200Hero level 10Hero must be level 10
- 200Skeleton killerKill 20 Skeletons from the catacombs
- 200Skeleton-Mage killerKill 10 Skeleton-Mages from the catacombs
Desert Water Games
The Excrawlers
15 / 2 000
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