- 10High five!Collect your first 5 gold coins.
- 50I got 99...Collect 99 gold coins.
- 50Get rich schemeCollect all 120 gold coins.
- 25Oooh, shiny!Collect your first gem.
- 50Chest masterOpen all the chests in the dungeon.
- 25Professionals only!Reach the area past the coins guardian.
- 25Watch your head!Reach the ending area past the gems guardian.
- 50Fresh airFinish the Chalice of the Gods dungeon.
- 25It's faster this way!Collect the Scroll of Secrets.
- 25That's where you were!Collect the Scroll of Treasures.
- 25How am I doing?Collect the Scroll of Completion.
- 50Check!Get 100% completion checkmarks on all the dungeon rooms.
- 20Cold heartShoot a total of 50 bats, snakes and scorpions.
- 20Flying shooterShoot a certain button while in the air to avoid falling to your death.
- 25Bat womanSurvive for 20 seconds in a certain room with two bats without shooting any of them.
- 50I barely use it!Shoot less than 100 bullets during a playthrough.
- 50PacifistDispose of maximum 20 enemies during a playthrough.
- 50Tough as nailsDie 20 times maximum during a playthrough.
- 50SprinterFinish the game in less than 40 minutes.
- 75Bling blingGet medals for all your best scores in the Stats screen.
- 50No coin left unturned[Golden Spider Dungeon] Collect all 105 coins.
- 50Dungeon redesigner[Golden Spider Dungeon] Place magical crystals in every pedestal.
- 50In the garden[Golden Spider Dungeon] Finish the Golden Spider dungeon.
- 50All done![Golden Spider Dungeon] Get 100% completion checkmarks on all the dungeon rooms.
- 50Decorated[Golden Spider Dungeon] Get medals for all your best scores in the Stats screen.
DLCDefinitive Edition
- 100Cursed, but rich![The Orb of Life] Collect all 115 coins.
- 50It's magic[The Orb of Life] Teleport 50 times during a playthrough.
- 50Don't rest in peace[The Orb of Life] Disturb some innocent ghosts 50 times during a playthrough.
- 50Gate Crasher[The Orb of Life] Open all the gates in the dungeon.
- 75Cursed no more[The Orb of Life] Finish the Orb of Life dungeon.
- 100I don't die[The Orb of Life] Finish the dungeon without ever reviving at a campfire.
- 100Had to be done[The Orb of Life] Get 100% completion checkmarks on all the dungeon rooms.
- 100War hero[The Orb of Life] Get medals for all your best scores in the Stats screen.
- 25Game changerStart playing with any game modifier active.
- 25That's high!Perform your first double jump.
- 25Useless junkPick up some bullets with the 'Infinite Ammo' game modifier active.
- 25New way to playStart a dungeon other than the Orb of Life with 'Limited Lives' and 'Campfires' active.
- 25Easy modeStart playing with the 'Double jump' and 'Infinite Ammo' game modifiers active.
- 100A true adventurerFinish all 3 dungeons in the game.
- 150A true masterEarn all 19 medals in the game.
The Adventures of Elena Temple
40 / 2 000
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