- 5Your First CarBuy your first car
- 30Car Owner X5Buy 5 cars
- 90Car Owner X12Buy all available cars
- 5Your First RimsBuy your first set of rims
- 30Rims X5Buy 5 rims
- 90Rim Owner X10Buy 10 rims
- 15Cusotm BodyCustomize the body of a car
- 30All Body CustomizationsBuy all body customizations for a car
- 15Custom AccessoriesCustomize the accessories of a car
- 30All Accessory CustomizationsBuy all accessory customizations for a car
- 15Custom WindowsCustomize the windows of a car
- 30All Window CustomizationsBuy all window customizations for a car
- 15Custom RimsCustomize the rims of a car
- 30All Rim CustomizationsBuy all rim customizations for a car
- 30All Car PaintBuy all the paints for a car's parts
- 30Max UpgradeUpgrade all atributes of a car to the maximum level
- 30X4 Nitro MultiplierReach the X4 nitro multiplier
- 305K EndlessReach a score of 5000 on endless mode
- 9010K EndlessReach a score of 10000 on endless mode
- 90Bronze RaceFinish first in the bronze race
- 90Silver RaceFinish first in the silver race
- 90Gold RaceFinish first in the gold race
- 90Platinum RaceFinish first in the platinum race
Street Racer Underground
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