- 15Perfect Clear: Crystal MotherBeat the boss "Crystal Mother" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.
- 15Perfect Clear: BattleswarmBeat the boss "Battleswarm" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.
- 15Perfect Clear: WallMasterBeat the boss "WallMaster" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.
- 15Perfect Clear: MirrorBeat the boss "Mirror" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.
- 15Perfect Clear: BackfireBeat the boss "Backfire" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.
- 15Perfect Clear: ShrapnelRoseBeat the boss "ShrapnelRose" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.
- 15Perfect Clear: LadyStaccatoBeat the boss "LadyStaccato" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.
- 15Perfect Clear: LabyrinthBeat the boss " Labyrinth" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.
- 15Perfect Clear: AggressorBeat the boss "Aggressor" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.
- 15Perfect Clear: CentrifugeBeat the boss "Centrifuge" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.
- 15Perfect Clear: VestigeBeat the boss "Vestige" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.
- 15Perfect Clear: FusilladeBeat the boss "Fusillade" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.
- 15Perfect Clear: AberrationBeat the boss "Aberration" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.
- 15Perfect Clear: The WardenBeat the boss "The Warden" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.
- 15Perfect Clear: TerminusBeat the boss "Terminus" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.
- 15Perfect Clear: InvaderBeat the boss "Invader" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.
- 15Perfect Clear: PeripheryBeat the boss "Periphery" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.
- 15Perfect Clear: Metal LegionBeat the boss "Metal Legion" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.
- 15Perfect Clear: SunderBeat the boss "Sunder" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.
- 15Perfect Clear: The HumbledBeat the boss "The Humbled" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.
- 15Perfect Clear: ValorBeat the boss "Valor" with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.
- 20Perfect Clear: All BossesBeat each base game boss with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.
- 15Perfect Clear: All Mini BossesBeat each miniboss with a perfect clear, also not using missiles or consumables.
- 15Kill Final Boss With Deep Blue MechKill the "final" boss while using the Deep Blue mech.
- 15Kill Final Boss With Green Envy MechKill the "final" boss while using the Green Envy mech.
- 15Kill Final Boss With Flame Tank MechKill the "final" boss while using the Flame Tank mech.
- 15Kill Final Boss With Indigo Dipole MechKill the "final" boss while using the Indigo Dipole mech.
- 15Kill Final Boss With Redshift MechKill the "final" boss while using the Redshift mech.
- 15Kill Final Boss With White Gloss MechKill the "final" boss while using the White Gloss mech.
- 15Kill Final Boss With Humble MechKill the "final" boss while using the Humble mech.
- 15Kill Final Boss With Alpha MechKill the "final" boss while using the Alpha mech.
- 15Kill Final Boss With Penumbra MechKill the "final" boss while using the Penumbra mech.
- 15Kill Final Boss With All MechsKill the "final" boss with each of the original six mechs.
- 15Kill Super-Final Boss With Deep Blue MechKill the "real" final boss with the Deep Blue mech.
- 15Kill Super-Final Boss With Green Envy MechKill the "real" final boss with the Green Envy mech.
- 15Kill Super-Final Boss With Flame Tank MechKill the "real" final boss with the Flame Tank mech.
- 15Kill Super-Final Boss With Indigo Dipole MecKill the "real" final boss with the Indigo Dipole mech.
- 15Kill Super-Final Boss With Redshift MechKill the "real" final boss with the Redshift mech.
- 15Kill Super-Final Boss With White Gloss MechKill the "real" final boss with the White Gloss mech.
- 15Kill Super-Final Boss With Humble MechKill the "real" final boss with the Humble mech.
- 15Kill Super-Final Boss With Alpha MechKill the "real" final boss with the Alpha mech.
- 15Kill Super-Final Boss With Penumbra MechKill the "real" final boss with the Penumbra mech.
- 25Kill Super-Final Boss With All MechsKill the "real" final boss with each of the original six mechs.
- 15Incredibility: Life HarvesterPick up the Incredibility Life Harvester on the first floor, never drop it, and win the run.
- 15Incredibility: Consummate ConsumerPick up the Incredibility Consummate Consumer on the first floor, never drop it, and win the run.
- 15Incredibility: MinimalistPick up the Incredibility Minimalist on the first floor, never drop it, and win the run.
- 15Incredibility: The OnePick up the Incredibility The One on the first floor, never drop it, and win the run.
- 15Incredibility: Magnetic PersonalityPick up the Incredibility Magnetic Personality on the first floor, never drop it, and win the run.
- 15Incredibility: JaywalkerPick up the Incredibility Jaywalker on the first floor, never drop it, and win the run.
- 15Incredibility: ConfidencePick up the Incredibility Confidence on the first floor, never drop it, and win the run.
- 15Incredibility: Risky AssasPick up the Incredibility Risky Assassin on the first floor, never drop it, and win the run.
- 15Incredibility: The CreatorPick up the Incredibility The Creator on the first floor, never drop it, and win the run.
- 15Incredibility: LilliputianPick up the Incredibility Lilliputians on the first floor, never drop it, and win the run.
- 15Incredibility: High Speed Pick up the Incredibility High Speed Danger on the first floor, never drop it, and win the run.
- 15Incredibility: Corrupting PowerPick up the Incredibility Corrupting Power on the first floor, never drop it, and win the run.
- 25Clear All Condemned BossesBeat each condemned boss.
- 15Do You Actually Have Any Cheese?Kill a shopkeeper.
- 15An Entourage Befitting A HydralHave 5 familiars at once.
- 15SafariKill at least one of each non-boss enemy.
- 15Unlock All ItemsSatisfy the unlock conditions for all items.
- 15Find All ItemsActually find (pick up) every single item.
- 20UntouchableComplete a floor with no damage.
- 20Conspicuous NonconsumptionComplete a run without buying any items.
- 20NoncommittalComplete a run without picking up any attachment items.
Starward Rogue
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