- 25This Is Too EasySteal the Death Star plans
- 15The Moldy Crow (HWK-290)Return to your ship on the roof of the base
- 10Rodent ExterminatorDestroy a Mouse Droid
- 10Talay Tak Base Handy ManFind and restart the hydro-electric power generator
- 25Loose and IncompleteFind some evidence of the Dark Trooper
- 10Smells Like ProgressEnter the Sewer
- 10I See YouPickup the Infrared Goggles
- 25No Handshake Needed. Let’s Go!Find the arms dealer Moff Rebus
- 10AurebeshPickup Code Key 5
- 25What the Phrik?Obtain a sample of the metal used in Dark Trooper production
- 15Volatile ReactionSet a sequencer charge on the reactor
- 25Not Fit For ServiceDestroy the Phase 01 Dark Trooper
- 75No More DetentionRescue Crix Madine
- 10Space SpycraftPlace a tracking device on the smuggler’s ship
- 25The TerminatorBlow up the Robotics Facility
- 10Who Put That There?Find the Ice Cleats
- 25Captured!Find Imperial Navigational Evidence
- 100Dragon PuncherDefeat a Kell Dragon with your bare hands
- 15The Force Not RequiredFind your gear
- 100It Won’t Be The Last TimeRescue Jan Ors
- 25This Looks Important!Locate the Nava Card
- 15A “Safe” SpaceLocate the I.S.O building
- 30Vault CrackerBreak into the vault and use the Nava Card
- 100Sarlacc’s Snack Defeat Boba Fett!
- 25New Upgrade. But Same ResultDestroy the Phase 02 Dark Trooper
- 25Drive It Like You Stole ItHijack the smuggler’s ship
- 15Headed In The Right DirectionReach the cargo shuttle bay
- 100Don't Mohc MeDefeat General Mohc!
- 100The Final Hammer BlowDestroy the Arc Hammer
Liste des Succès