- 15Armored CorpseBeat the Armored Corpse on 10th floor.
- 15UnicorpseBeat the Unicorpse on 20th floor.
- 15Carp KnightBeat the Carp Knight on 30th floor.
- 15GoblinBeat the Goblin on 40th floor.
- 15Ballistic GelBeat the Ballistic Gel on 50th floor.
- 15Lard CorpseBeat the Lard Corpse on 60th floor.
- 15Royal JellyBeat the Royal Jelly on 70th floor.
- 15PrinceBeat the Prince on 80th floor.
- 30Dragon SlayerSlay the dragon at the top.
- 100Star TowerComplete star challenges for each of the floors.
- 30DescensionDescend to dungeon level 10.
- 50How low can you go?Descend to dungeon level 42.
- 100Here be no dragonsSlay the chrome dragon in the dungeon.
- 100Dungeon MasterReach 150m distance in the dungeon.
- 25What's in the Box?Come up with a seven letter word without using dictionary books.
- 50The Dreadful EightCome up with an eight letter word without using dictionary books.
- 75Spelled to the NinesCome up with a nine letter word without using dictionary books.
- 10010tons of LettersCome up with a ten letter word without using dictionary books.
- 100ThesaurusFind 25% of the available words in a level.
- 40Wand Up!Upgrade a legendary wand to maximum level.
- 40Suits you!Upgrade the luminous robe to maximum level.
- 40Hats off!Buy all hats.
10tons Ltd.
22 / 1 000
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