- 25Welcome to GreifensteinArrive at the Academy of Greifenstein.
- 25A Strange Incident Complete the first story act.
- 25Victory?Defeat the Prince for the first time.
- 35Ward of VarietyComplete the second story act.
- 25Ward of VolumeDiscover the second warding spell.
- 25Ward of ChampionsDiscover the final warding spell.
- 35Victory!Defeat the Prince while the Perfected Ward is active.
- 50Greifenstein is Saved!Complete the third and final story act.
- 25Prepared and ReadyEarn every other Essential Character Progress Award.
- 25Hub ExplorerEarn every other Essential Hub Exploration Award.
- 25Castle DelverEarn every other Essential Castle Exploration Award.
- 25Good ConnectionsEarn every other Essential Student Faction Award.
- 35Broken CrownDefeat each floor boss at least once.
- 50Magical Gathering Rescue all schoolmates and visit each of them in the Hub.
- 35Highly DecoratedEarn at least one platinum Pursuit Medal in each pursuit.
- 50Year-Round WardrobeUnlock each piece of apparel available from pursuits.
- 35Personal ConnectionMaximise your reputation with the Dreamdancers and unlock each of their apparel pieces.
- 35Close Collaboration Maximise your reputation with the Shinehunters and unlock each of their apparel pieces.
- 35Sincere FriendshipMaximise your reputation with the Greenguard and unlock each of their apparel pieces.
- 35Ultimate DevotionMaximise your reputation with the Fireblades and unlock each of their apparel pieces.
- 50Grand ArchivistCollect every entry in your Collector's Guide.
- 50All-Knowing Learn every spell.
- 35Ascendant PowerUnlock each character upgrade from the Griffins Effigy.
- 35Success StoryUnlock each castle upgrade from Emils Emporium.
- 25Junior StudentImprove each Junior Spell to its maximum tier.
- 25First-Year GraduateImprove each First-Year Spell to its maximum tier.
- 25Second_Year GraduateImprove each Second-Year Spell to its maximum tier.
- 25Third-Year GraduateImprove each Third-Year Spell to its maximum tier.
- 25Fourth-Year GraduateImprove each Fourth-Year Spell to its maximum tier.
- 25Masterful MagicianImprove each possible Faction Spell to its maximum tier.
- 25Master of the Dark ArtsImprove each Forbidden Spell to its maximum tier.
Liste des Succès