- 50Stephen Coldy!Play with Stephen Coldy (Spheniscus Mendiculus)
- 50Harrison Frost!Play with Harrison Frost (Aptenodytes Forsteri)
- 50Adele Pink!Play with Adele Pink (Pygoscelis Adeliae)
- 50Eddie Mullet!Play with Eddie Mullet (Eudyptes Chrysolophus)
- 100Playing Outside!Complete 20 Levels
- 100Snow Plays!Complete 40 Levels
- 100Snowball War!Complete 60 Levels
- 100Winter Games!Complete 80 Levels
- 100Time to Go Home!Complete All Levels
- 50I'm Tired... Succès SecretSleep a Little
- 50Try Again!Restart a Level
- 200Winter Lover!Unlock all achievements
QUByte Interactive
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