- 100Good pilotDon't take damage in the flight section
- 100Bamboo harvestBreak the bamboo
- 100This is just the beginningComplete the "Forest" location
- 100One more attemptDie 100 times
- 100No door neededLeave the temple
- 100New friendFree the Fairy
- 100Blue glowGet out of the mushroom forest
- 100Crystal ShineGet out of the red mine
- 100We are together againSave the sister
- 100You are free!Free all birds
DLCTitle Update
- 200Nimble SwordDefeat 5 enemies
- 200Nimble Sword IIDefeat 10 enemies
- 200Nimble Sword IIIDefeat 15 enemies
- 200Nimble Sword IVDefeat 20 enemies
- 200Nimble Sword VDefeat 25 enemies
DLCTitle Update 2
- 200Kill SlimeKill one forest slime
- 200Hit the rabbitYou monster!
- 200Forest warriorSlay the forest warrior
- 200Slay one skeletonSlay one skeleton
- 200Slay 3 skeletons.Skeleton Squad Destroyer!
Shiro (for Windows 10)
20 / 3 000
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