- 50Paris Soviet AccordBreak into the Soviet Embassy in Paris
- 50Capitalist SpyEscaped Molotov Prison in Eastern Siberia
- 50FBI With A WarrantDiffused an incident at New York International
- 50Tokyo SanPlanted a homing device in Tokyo
- 50Helsinki SyndromeFound the mystery cargo in Helsinki
- 50Casino RomaDiscovered Dr. Zavaro's secret in Rome
- 100Agent ProvocateurClassified mission
- 50Counter-espionageRetrieved all dossiers
- 30Foreign AssetPicked up all forged passports
- 50Counter-surveillanceUncovered all CIA surveillance ops
- 30Counter-intelligenceSpotted all foreign agents via binoculars
- 30WiretappedFound all foreign listening bugs
- 30Mole HuntListened to all tape and radio intercepts
- 50Diplomatic CacheFound all hidden diplomatic briefcases
- 25Dead DropLeap over 150 feet to your death
- 15Ordered Chicken a la KingFailed to diffuse a bomb
- 15Cabin Crews Doors To ManualNeutralized by an aircraft
- 15Tokyo BulletNeutralized by a subway train
- 50Surveillance OpDestroyed over 20 security cameras
- 15Follow That CabNeutralized by a taxi cab
- 15French ConnectionMade first contact with a Russian Agent
- 15Co-conspiratorFixed Viktor's TV problem. Knock him out first.
- 15Honey TrapClear the electric fence in Helsinki without damage
- 20Brut Molotov CocktailSolved the firing squad paradox
- 20Dr. No IndeedPlayed Chemin de fer against Dr. Zavaro
- 20Champagne SwingPlayed tennis and swam the pool
- 20Rookie MistakeLet the Z1 rocket launch countdown to zero
- 25Counter-SovietSnipe five prison guards with a steady binocular
- 25InformerFound Enigma bug 298
- 20Ghost AgentFinish New York or Helsinki undetected
DLCTitle Update
- 50Fu-ged-about-itFound mobsters cash
- 25Tango DownNeutralized by a Tokyo driver
- 50Diplomatic faux pasSpeak to a diplomat before knocking them out
- 50Shark LoanReceived a shark bite
- 25Lethal CuisineShot a humble cook
- 50Mark Of A ProfessionalRecklessly blow up three fuel tankers
- 50Gold EyeballFound homage
- 25Mission CreepDry your hands
- 25Six Bucks CoffeeSpeak to the barista
- 50Weapon ConcealmentEnter undetected through a magnetometer
- 50Shadow MissionEscape Molotov Prison undetected
- 50Shadow OpSecFinished Tokyo undetected
- 50Collateral DamageFractured a Ming Dynasty historical
- 25Soviet Weapons GradeDiscovered Russian Plutonium
- 25Monster TVEnded a Monster TV Show
- 50Kaputnik LaunchKnockout 5 Mission Control Engineers
- 25Doomsday faux pasShot a Soviet nuclear missile
- 50Pre-emptive StrikeTurned off a turret gun
- 75Black PropagandaFound a secret boss lair
- 200Agency Priority TargetNeutralized Zavaro the ringleader
DLCTitle Update 2
- 25Licence to VandalDestroy 25 street lights in Moscow
- 50State SecurityFound KGB Headquarters
- 25Soviet KolaEnjoyed refreshing Soviet Kola
- 50Political OfficerEducate with propaganda
- 100Top State SecretFound all seven KGB Top State Secret Red Files
- 150Supreme State SecretFound KGB Supreme State Secret Black File
- 50Smoke ScreenFound all six CIA cigarette packet bugs
- 50Death To SpiesShoot Agent 49 from a distant target range
- 25From Russia with DétenteShoot front desk KGB agent without provocation
- 25For Your Eyes OnlyDiscovered photo lab evidence
- 50Spectre MissionFinished Moscow undetected
- 100Red OctoberDiscovered top secret vault at KGB headquarters
- 50KGB HelloKnock out four KGB agents
- 100Capitalist Exploiter of the WestShoot all Propaganda TV’s
- 50Disavowed AgentShoot another American spy
- 100You Only Live Twice To RespawnFinish Moscow undetected without destroying any cameras
Kungfu Takeaway
Secret Agent : Cold War Espionage
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