- 90Soothsayer Succès SecretSaw a future vision of Sam in every possible environment.
- 90PenalizerCompleted episode 1.
- 90Doppel Fluch Succès SecretDoubled up on Jurgen's curses.
- 90Tomb RaiderCompleted episode 2.
- 90Rhinoplastastic Succès SecretTransformed into every possible object.
- 90Brain SurgeonCompleted episode 3.
- 90Skunkape Loves You Succès SecretExperienced a lot of fan service.
- 90I’m a Clone, I Know It and I’m FineCompleted episode 4.
- 90Genius in Its Simplicity Succès SecretHeard all the details of Stinky's origin.
- 90Maxzilla Minus OneCompleted episode 5.
- 100Dumpster Diver Succès SecretFound the Nutri-Specs.
Skunkape Games LLC
Sam & Max : Le Petit Théâtre du Diable
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