- 50Novice NinjaFind 5 Mininja.
- 50Junior NinjaFind 10 Mininja.
- 50Master NinjaFind 15 Mininja.
- 50Medal KingTalk to Medal King.
- 50SwordmasterGet all swords.
- 50DoodlerGet all doodle sheets.
- 100Hungry HeroGet all food.
- 50Burger BaronGet all burgers.
- 100Pottery ProInspect all pots and vases.
- 50Funny FaceInspect all cutout photo stands.
- 50InvestigatorView 30 things in Help Mode.
- 100Careful HeroComplete the tutorial dungeon.
- 100SearcherComplete The Subterrane Search Party.
- 50Slow StarterSee all Title Screen events.
- 100Seven ShardsCollect all 7 Shards of Light without eating any.
Aniplex Inc.
RPG Time: The Legend of Wright
15 / 1 000
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