- 10Taste of EvilTrigger an Evil Power
- 15First BloodDefeat a hero
- 15The Dark ElfRecruit Violet the Dark Elf
- 15The Green GoblinRecruit Bonehead the Goblin Shaman
- 30The AmbushComplete Chapter 7
- 15The Exiled MageRecruit Greybeard the Exiled Mage
- 90SelflessThe hardest choice to make
- 90Return of the KingAchieve either of the good endings
- 30Merchant FarmingComplete two Merchant quests in one campaign
- 30Red DragonUnlock the Red Dragon power
- 30Horned DemonUnlocked the Horned Demon power
- 90Iron GolemUnlock the Iron Golem power
- 90Hero QuestsComplete two Hero Party quests in one campaign
- 90Crossing the Sage TwiceComplete two Sage quests in one campaign
- 90GutlessThe easiest choice to make
- 90All the BooksCollect all three of Greybeard's books in one campaign
- 90Completely CorruptedAchieve the evil ending
- 90HeartlessThe cruellest choice to make
Reverse Crawl
18 / 1 000
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