- 40Remorse: NormalCleared Remorse: The List in the Normal difficulty.
- 40Remorse: HardCleared Remorse: The List in the Hard difficulty.
- 40Remorse: NightmareCleared Remorse: The List in the Nightmare difficulty.
- 40Bad EndingBeat the game and see the bad ending.
- 40Neutral EndingBeat the game and see the neutral ending.
- 40Good EndingBeat the game and see the good ending.
- 40Weapon ObsessionYou have used every weapon in the game.
- 40Bloody OmenObtain the bloody coat.
- 40Distant MemoryObtain the photo of Agnes.
- 40Childhood MementoObtain the toy car.
- 40First EnhancementObtain your first inventory upgrade.
- 40Second EnhancementObtain your second inventory upgrade.
- 40Monster SlayerDefeat one enemy of each type.
- 40Treasure HunterFind all the hidden collectibles.
- 40Voice from the PastListen to all the voice tapes.
- 200Like a ProBeat the game without using any medkits or first aid boxes.
- 200Fast as LightningBeat the game in less than 2 hours.
Remorse: The List
17 / 1 000
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