- 50Welcome to LadleYou've moved in to Ladle. Welcome!
- 50First Day of SchoolAttend the first day of Senior year.
- 100The Queens of PranksYou got back at the Pranktor!
- 100That's a Reference ;)We would definitely love these two.
- 100It's Good, ActuallyNot a bad first mixed drink!
- 100Oops, All CindysYou picked the same name as your mark.
- 100Taylor RouteYou got Taylor's ending.
- 100Day RouteYou got Day's ending.
- 100Robert RouteYou got Robert's ending.
- 100More than BandmatesTaylor opened up about the true nature of his relationship with Brandon.
- 100Flight of the FaeYou are a fae expert.
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Raptor Boyfriend: A High School Romance
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