- 50Puppy PapaWarm George up!
- 50GangsterGet the Tommy Gun!
- 50Dapper TedWear Mr. Pinstripe's suit!
- 100Frozen Drop AddictCollect 1,000 Frozen Drops!
- 100LepidopterologistCatch 13 butterflies!
- 100Demon SlayerKill every monster!
- 100Speed DemonBeat the game in less than an hour.
- 100Pinstripe GodBeat the game without getting hurt!
- 100ExplorerFind all three secret rooms!
- 50SherlockSniff out all the clues!
- 100Not So Nice GuyBe a complete butt head.
- 100Nice GuyJust be nice, OK?
Armor Games Studios
12 / 1 000
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