- 15First FlightComplete the first level
- 20Jump MasterPerform 10 jumps in a single level
- 70Speedy PenguinUse dash 50 times during the game
- 20Precision FlightComplete a level without dying
- 70VacationReach the Beach
- 30Thorny SituationDie for the first time
- 20Quick DashUse dash 10 times in a single level
- 70High JumperPerform 15 jumps in a single level
- 30Frozen FeetComplete level 10
- 35Air BreezeComplete level 15
- 20One More TryDie 15 times in a single level
- 40PerseveranceComplete a level after dying 10 times
- 40Checkpoint CollectorComplete 10 levels collecting the checkpoints
- 80Flying HighPerform 100 jumps during the game
- 100Soaring Through the CloudsComplete level 20
- 80Perfect GlideUse dash 100 times during the game
- 35Quick FinishFinish a level in under 30 seconds
- 35Dash MasterUse dash 20 times in a single level
- 35Balls and ChainsDie for the first time hit by a ball
- 3550%Die for the first time cut by a saw
- 35SkewerDie 100 times
- 35Magician’s AssistantDie 50 times cut by a saw
- 35Tangled in the ChainDie 25 times hit by a ball
- 15Magical WindsUse teleport for the first time
Title Update
- 200Professional JumperJump 20 times in one single level
- 200Jump-JumpJump 200 times in total
- 200Dash ExtremeUse 25 dashes in the same level
- 200Endless DashUse dash 200 times in total
- 200Fulfilled DreamReach the Sky
Liste des Succès1 DLC