- 10Off to a Good StartComplete the First Interaction
- 20Turned Around?Solve the Looping Hallway
- 10Up in SmokeFind the Smokers Favorite Spot
- 20What have You Learned?Solve the Library Puzzle
- 50Light the WayFind the Hidden Flashlight
- 150You'll be Back...Find the Smokers Lounge
- 10Hurts to BreatheDiscover the Tarred Lungs
- 10Don't Let This Be YouFind the Ex-Smoker
- 10Open UpOpen All Four Drawers in the Morgue
- 150Down the Rabbit HoleMake it to the Sewer Level
- 10Not so Pearly WhitesFind the Diseased Mouth
- 200One More Out of the PackTraverse the Maze 20 Times
- 150One of ThreeTraverse the Maze and be Trapped
- 200You're the OneTraverse the Maze and Make It Out
Liste des Succès