- 15Medieval villageSuccessfully complete the first level
- 15Tournament daySuccessfully complete the second level
- 15The dark forestSuccessfully complete the third level
- 15The forgotten castleSuccessfully complete the fourth level
- 30The fall of Iron Fury Succès SecretDefeat the first boss (Iron Fury)
- 30Infallible aimHit 30 targets in the first bonus
- 15Pirate villageSuccessfully complete the fifth level
- 15Pirate landSuccessfully complete the sixth level
- 15The hidden jungleSuccessfully complete the seventh level
- 15The hidden caveSuccessfully complete the eighth level
- 30The fall of The Empty Succès SecretDefeat the second boss (The Empty)
- 30No one standingDestroy 10 targets in the first bonus
- 15Welcome to spaceSuccessfully complete the ninth level
- 15A space raceSuccessfully complete the tenth level
- 15Space tournamentSuccessfully complete the eleventh level
- 15Back to the futureSuccessfully complete the twelfth level
- 30The fall os Alien Cruel Succès SecretDefeat the third boss (Alien Cruel)
- 30The best space runnerPass the third bonus with less than 5 hits
- 15Jurassic WorldSuccessfully complete the thirteenth level
- 30An unexpected encounter Succès SecretDefeat Dr. Disaster in the first match
- 15Jurassic nightSuccessfully complete the fifteenth level
- 40Dr. Disaster’s lair Succès SecretDefeat the final boss (Dr. Disaster)
- 90Road to NinjaFinish the game with any character
- 90No one can defeat meFinish the Boss Russ Mode with any character
- 90Rich NinjaHave at the same time 10 or more ninja coins stored
- 90Combo masterGet a 20 Hit Combo
- 30The rouletteFinish the first challenge y Challenge Mode
- 30Floor is lavaFinish the second challenge y Challenge Mode
- 30Fight against clockFinish the third challenge y Challenge Mode
- 30Super Boss FightFinish the fourth challenge y Challenge Mode
- 30A new DisasterFinish the fifth challenge y Challenge Mode
- 30Long distanceFinish the sixth challenge y Challenge Mode
Liste des Succès