- 20Stack Overflow Succès SecretFill up all of the shelf space for the Red or Blue pages. astuce
- 30Stoneship Succès SecretFound a way back from Stoneship. astuce
- 30Mechanical Succès SecretFound a way back from Mechanical. astuce
- 30Selenitic Succès SecretFound a way back from Selenitic. astuce
- 30Channelwood Succès SecretFound a way back from Channelwood. astuce
- 30D'ni Succès SecretReturned to Myst Island from D'ni. astuce
- 100Speedy Succès SecretAchieved the good ending within two minutes. astuce
- 100Roommates Succès SecretAchieved the bad ending with Atrus. astuce
- 100You Fool! Succès SecretAchieved bad ending with Sirrus. astuce
- 100I'm Free! Succès SecretAchieved bad ending with Achenar. astuce
- 50Know-It-All Succès SecretAchieved the good ending without inserting a single red or blue page. astuce
- 100Everything Is In Its Place Succès SecretAchieved the good ending. astuce
- 20Firecracker Succès SecretSolved the fireplace puzzle. astuce
- 20Safecracker Succès SecretOpened the safe in the cabin. astuce
- 20Journeyman Electrician Succès SecretSolved the generator power puzzle. astuce
- 20Perfect Pitch Succès SecretSolved the piano puzzle in a single try. astuce
- 20Stargazer Succès SecretViewed some dated constellations. astuce
- 20Salvager Succès SecretRaised the sunken ship. astuce
- 20Can Opener Succès SecretSolved the gear puzzle inside of the clocktower. astuce
- 20Top Of The World Succès SecretRode the tree to the highest position. astuce
- 20Inside Succès SecretFound the white page. astuce
- 20He Is Preparing Succès SecretFound to Sirrus' message to Achenar. astuce
- 20Beacon Succès SecretSolved the compass puzzle. astuce
- 20It's Bob! Succès SecretFound the skeleton in the Mechanical Age. astuce
- 20Never Lost Succès SecretMade it through the maze in Selenitic without pressing "backtrack" on a randomized playthrough. astuce
- 20After All of That Effort... Succès SecretAchieved one of the brothers' endings while on a randomized playthrough. astuce
Liste des Succès
26 / 1 000 

33 astuces
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