- 90Pet The CatPet the cat, either as Cleo or Guy.
- 100Pet the Cat... Again, lolThe cat left the lounge when everyone came downstairs. Find the cat and pet the cat again.
- 90Bad Ending Get too many questions wrong while explaining the mystery solution and get the bad ending.
- 90Lynx EncounterApproach the wild lynx on the mountain and see what happens.
- 90Defeat The Gray KnightDefeat the Gray Knight in the Paladin Dream battle.
- 90Find All Doggie BagsCollect all 25 doggie bags hidden in the main game.
- 90Complete The Ski CourseCollect all 10 additional doggie bags found on the ski course.
- 90Paladin DisguiseSpeak with all 8 suspects wearing the Paladin costume.
- 90Ghost Clown DisguiseSpeak with all 8 suspects wearing the Ghost Clown costume.
- 90Police Dog DisguiseSpeak with all 8 suspects wearing the Police Dog costume.
- 90Dark And Stormy NightGet startled by the burst of lightning and short power outage.
Ratalaika Games S.L.
Murder Is Game Over: Deal Killer
11 / 1 000
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