- 100Welcome to Planimal Point! Begin your first day on the farm.
- 100My first Planimal!Recieve a Planimal from the Professor.
- 100To the Rec Center! Repair the bridge to the rec center.
- 100Furniture in the Forest!Unlock the furniture shop.
- 100Let's Get Fishy!Unlock the fishing rod.
- 150Save the Slimes! Succès SecretDefeat the queen.
- 200So long, Slime Co! Succès SecretDefeat Rigley.
- 50Red Slime TimeApply red slime to a crop.
- 50Green SheenApply green slime to a crop.
- 50Blue GooApply blue slime to a crop.
Merge Games
Monster Harvest
10 / 1 000
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