- 50First NightSurvive your first night
- 50Deer TrapKill a deer with a trap
- 50Bunny TrapKill a bunny with a trap
- 50Bandit CaveDefeat a bandit cave
- 50Bandit TrapKill a bandit with a trap
- 50Bandit LandDefeat the bandit land
- 50The SiegeSiege a castle
- 50Winter KnightDefeat the winter knight
- 50Full MoonSurvive a full moon
- 50HorseAcquire a new horse
- 50EnemiesKill 15 enemies
- 50TentUpgrade to a tent
- 50Wooden CastleUpgrade to a wooden castle
- 50Stone CastleUpgrade to a stone castle
- 20HouseBuild a peasant house
- 20Siege RamTake down a siege ram
- 20The CrownLose your crown
- 20The FarmBuild 3 farms
- 20MilitaryPrepare the military
- 20DeerKill 15 deer
- 20BunnyKill 15 bunnies
- 20ForestCut down 15 trees
- 20The SpiderDefeat the spider
- 20The PouchUpgrade your pouch
- 100Winter CaveOpen the winter cave
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