- 200Master of NoyahUnlock all achievements
- 10SurvivorComplete the rank I Invasion
- 10WarriorComplete the rank II Invasion
- 10GladiatorComplete the rank III Invasion
- 20ChallengerComplete the rank IV Invasion
- 20HeroComplete the rank V Invasion
- 20Who Wants Money?Acquired 10,000 gold
- 10MinerCollect 500 ores in your inventory or storage
- 10LumberjackCollect 500 wood in your inventory or storage
- 50Master ThiefDestroy a Loot Wagon from the 6 main factions
- 20Fisherman's StoryCatch a fish from each type
- 40Craftmaster Succès SecretCraft 6 items of Tier 10
- 20Expert HunterComplete the Bestiary
- 20Reign KillerSlay the rare enemies from the 5 main factions
- 50Family TiesReach level 25 on all Familiars
- 10RescueSave 100 Villagers
- 20Heartbreaker Succès SecretDestroy the Corrupted Heart
- 10Cleaning Up The MessDefeat Khubarul, The Puker
- 10Can You Die?Defeat Death
- 20Witch HunterDefeat Zaedyna, The Witch in the Mythic dificulty
- 20Defeat MekhanDefeat Mekhan, The Sentinel in the Mythic dificulty
- 20Defeat GalmannikDefeat Galmannik, The Frozen in the Mythic dificulty
- 20Defeat DhulanmarDefeat The Sea Beast Dhulanmar in the Mythic dificulty
- 20Defeat ZamakDefeat The Abyss Guardian Zamak in the Mythic dificulty
- 100The Purging of NoyahDefeat Veromus, The Corrupt in the Mythic dificulty
- 40Allure MasterReach level 60 with Allure
- 40Vylat MasterReach level 60 with Vylat
- 40Rhys MasterReach level 60 with Rhys
- 40Lance MasterReach level 60 with Lance
- 40Ninn MasterReach level 60 with Ninn
- 20Demon SlayerDefeat the 6 mains bosses in Normal Difficulty
- 20Heroic DeedsDefeat the 6 mains bosses in Heroic Difficulty
Mists of Noyah
32 / 1 000
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