- 20It's dark here!Visit the underground
- 20PyrotechnistDetonate a bomb
- 20Alpaca riderSaddle up an alpaca
- 20Shiny!Mine a ruby
- 20Strange placeVisit an enchanted dimension
- 20The strongest!Mine an obsidian
- 20Ouch, it burns!Collect lava with a bucket
- 20The encounterActivate the monolith
- 20Spirited againRegain the spirit
- 20What a big tree!Grow a redwood tree
- 20Getting nutritions!Cook mutton
- 20I don't even like it...Grow a broccoli
- 20Ouch, it's spiky!Grow a cactus
- 20A naked sheepShear a sheep
- 20I don't have the time to waitUse a bone meal to grow plants faster
- 20Once an egg, once an ostrichHatch an egg
- 20Once an egg, once a...Cook an egg
- 20A true farmerCraft a copper watering can
- 20Advanced farmerGrow a pumpkin
- 20Enchanted farmerGrow an enchanted mushroom
- 10I can craft more!Place a workbench
- 10I'm tired of sharp stonePlace a tool table
- 10Time to smeltPlace a furnace
- 20Harder materialsSmelt a copper ore
- 20Complicated processMake bronze
- 20Now I can drink thatBoil a bucket of salt water
- 20Masterpiece of swordsCraft an obsidian sword
- 20Spooky!Place a Jack-'o-lantern
- 10I've got no place in inventoryPlace a chest
- 20I can see in the dark now!Place a torch
- 20Time to build a housePlace a carpenter table
- 20Time to furnishPlace a furniture table
- 20Admiring myselfPlace a statue
- 20I want it to look different!Use a paint brush
- 20I can waste my coins herePlace a fountain
- 20Your wish is granted…?Throw a coin into the fountain
- 20I'll stare at it for hours!Place a lava lamp
- 20Helping a friendAssign a bed to a goblin
- 20Give and takeDestroy assigned goblin's bed
- 20Farmer's friendFully satisfact a farmer goblin
- 20Smith's friendFully satisfact a smith goblin
- 20Carpenter's friendFully satisfact a carpenter goblin
- 20Explorer's friendFully satisfact an explorer goblin
- 20Shaman's friendFully satisfact a shaman goblin
- 20I can finally rest in the morning!Place a sprinkler
- 20Feeling luxuriousBuy a gold bookcase
- 20How durable is that?Buy a quartz axe
- 20Bullseye!Buy a slingshot
- 20Advanced survivalistReach day 100
- 20Adorable creatureTame a cat
- 20RGB lightsCraft a colored night lamp
- 20That's a big pepper!Grow dark pepper
Liste des Succès