- 10StudentFinish a level with 1 star
- 15ProfessorFinish a level with 3 stars.
- 20A Dialog with the StarsGet 3 stars in all the levels of an island.
- 40The Final FrontierUnlock your first advanced levels island.
- 100Independence DayFinish the game.
- 150A Cosmic DeedFinish the game with 3 stars in all levels.
- 20Ari going to the stars?Finish an advanced level with 3 stars.
- 50The world is mine!Finish all the advanced levels.
- 100The world was Mine...Finish all the advanced levels with 3 stars.
- 20SistematicUse all the flags correctly on level K-10. No deaths or mistakes allowed.
- 20MethodicalUse all the flags correctly on level ES-3. No deaths or mistakes allowed.
- 20PerfectionistUse all the flags correctly on level JS-5. No deaths or mistakes allowed.
- 25Novice SweeperSweep 500 blocks.
- 75Master SweeperSweep 2000 blocks.
- 100Genius SweeperSweep 5000 blocks.
- 10ExpendableDie 50 times.
- 20Gates of HadesDie 150 times.
- 30Mine, Body, SpiritDie 300 times.
- 20The philosopher's challengeFinish level M-10 without using any flags. No deaths allowed.
- 25The gods' challengeFinish level FS-3 without using any flags. No deaths allowed.
- 30The godlike philosopher's challengeFinish level LS-5 without using any flags. No deaths allowed.
- 20CaffeineFinish level L-10 without letting Ari fall asleep. No deaths allowed.
- 20AdrenalineFinish level GS-4 without letting Ari fall asleep. No deaths allowed.
- 20InsomniaFinish level MS-5 without letting Ari fall asleep. No deaths allowed.
- 10The Geek GreekRead all the pages of the tutorial.
- 10Late for philosophy classLet Aristotle sleep 3 times on a single level.
- 20I know that I know nothingUse and clear lots of flags on a single level.
Liste des Succès