- 10SnitchHelp the police.
- 10Glass ActCause a distraction by breaking the glass.
- 10Tour Guide Extraordinaire Succès SecretHelp Sebastian with the tour.
- 10Finger-Lickin' Bad Succès SecretWatch Skip's fingers being broken by the goons.
- 40Escape Artist Succès SecretTry and escape the chaos.
- 40Relight my Cannon Succès SecretFire the cannon.
- 40Bathroom Brawler Succès SecretAttack Walsh for what he has done!
- 40Puzzle Prodigy Succès SecretExplain the puzzle to Marshanda.
- 40Backstory Buff Succès SecretLearn Marshanda's backstory.
- 40Codebreaker Succès SecretCrack the code.
- 90Freedum Fighter Succès SecretDeath by Freedum
- 90A Box of Tricks Succès SecretDeath by Poison Gas
- 90Key Keeper's Curse Succès SecretDeath by Poison Darts
- 90Fool's Gold Succès SecretDeath by Walsh
- 90Flying High Succès SecretLocate the ending where you go on holiday.
- 90Set Sail Succès SecretLocate the ending for another adventure.
- 90Breathless End Succès SecretLocate the ending that will leave you breathless.
- 90Explosive End Succès SecretLocate the explosive ending.
Wales Interactive
Mia and the Dragon Princess
18 / 1 000
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