- 25Easy ListeningListen to all Gramophone recordings
- 25Smooth OperatorListen to all Speaker Phone messages
- 25Phonic BoomUse all Phonic Modulator charges
- 25Ending on a High NotePlay all musical instruments in game
- 25Maids of SkerFind all the musical dolls
- 25Sker ExplorerVisit every location and room in the Sker Mansion and grounds
- 25Chief ButlerRing all ground floor bells
- 25ScholarFind all notes
- 25Nuisance Caller Succès SecretIgnore Elisabeth's calls
- 25Wales Interactive Succès SecretInteract with the Whale sculpture
- 50Bull in a China ShopBump into furniture 250 times
- 50Animal LoverPet the Dog
- 100Perfect Harmony! Succès SecretIf Thomas plays the four pieces of the Counter Song on the Harmonium
- 100Rapturous Applause! Succès SecretThomas gives Elisabeth the four brass music cylinders
- 100Luddite Succès SecretDon't use the Phonic Modulator
- 100Hard TimesComplete the game on hard setting
- 100Life SaverComplete the game saving one time or less
- 100Dodgy GeezerDon't get hit by the enemies at all in the game
- 15The Long NightComplete Challenge "The Long Night"
- 15Nightmare at the HotelComplete Challenge "Nightmare at the Hotel"
- 15In DarknessComplete Challenge "In Darkness"
- 15Axe of KindnessComplete Challenge "Axe of Kindness"
- 15The Longest NightReceive an "A*" Grade in "The Long Night"
- 35Hell at the HotelReceive an "A*" Grade in "Nightmare at the Hotel"
- 15In Complete DarknessReceive an "A*" Grade in "In Darkness"
- 15AxemanReceive an "A*" Grade in "Axe of Kindness"
- 30Head of the HotelFinish any challenge with more than 150 headshots
- 30Make Love, Not WarFinish any challenge with less than 10 kills
Wales Interactive
Maid of Sker
30 / 1 200
2 astuces
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