- 100SaviorComplete the game
- 100SurvivorPlay the game in Hard mode
- 50OfferingBring a dead enemy to the Sanctuary
- 50MusicianPlay a note block at the Sanctuary
- 50DistractedStay at Crystal Nest for at least 1min
- 100MutationEvolve all Lumini types
- 100PilgrimageBeat an area with one purple Lumini in your swarm
- 100HappyKilled 10 enemies in the game
- 100PacifistClear an area without defeating any enemy
- 50HoarderCollect 50 energy plants in the game
- 50LeaveLose 1 lumini
- 50Kaboom!Beat 5 enemies with a bomb
- 100Art CollectorUnlock 5 models and concept art in the Extras menu
2Awesome Partners
13 / 1 000
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