- 100WeekSurvive 7 days
- 100Improved Immune SystemCollect a total of 10 enzymes
- 100Strong Immune SystemCollect a total of 100 enzymes
- 100PurificationDefeat 50 pathogens
- 100DetoxificationDefeat 250 pathogens
- 100ActivationActivate a unit by THelper
- 100Mastocyte MasterUpgrade the Mastocytes 3 times
- 100Plasmablast MasterUpgrade the Plasmablasts 3 times
- 100Macrophage MasterUpgrade the Macrophages 3 times
- 100THelper MasterUpgrade the THelpers 3 times
Title Update
- 200DecadeSurvive 10 days
- 200Advanced Immune SystemCollect a total of 250 enzymes
- 200BloatingFart 20 times
- 200RetchInduce vomiting 15 times
- 200DiarrheaPoop in your pants 10 times
Title Update 2
- 200Two WeeksSurvive 14 days
- 200T-Killer MasterUpgrade the T-Killer 3 times
- 200NK Cell MasterUpgrade the NK Cell 3 times
- 200Powerful Immune SystemCollect a total of 500 enzymes
- 200DecontaminationDefeat 1000 pathogens
Liste des Succès2 DLC