- 90Starter JourneyStart the first journey
- 90LearningYour first death.
- 90Still LearningDie 10 times.
- 90Learning MoreDie 100 times.
- 90Good ShotDestroyed the target.
- 90First CrystalCollect a crystals in the world of Flosheim.
- 90Flosheim #1Completed the 1st level of of Flosheim.
- 90Flosheim #5Completed the 5th level of Flosheim.
- 90Flosheim #10Completed the 10th level of Flosheim.
- 90Flosheim #15Completed the 15th level of Flosheim.
- 100Completed FlosheimCompleted the world of Flosheim.
Ratalaika Games S.L.
Light of Life
11 / 1 000
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