- 100An area for scientific experiments Succès SecretUnlocked the puzzle box in the lower garden.
- 100Food, books and a tree house Succès SecretUnlocked the puzzle box in the upper garden.
- 100Not a graveyard Succès SecretUnlocked the puzzle box in the attic.
- 100Rivalry Succès SecretUnlocked the puzzle box in the courtyard.
- 100Heaps of tea Succès SecretUnlocked the puzzle box in the school.
- 100In frightful lands Succès SecretUnlocked the puzzle box in the laundry.
- 100Not one, but two copies Succès SecretUnlocked the puzzle box in the estate.
- 100Why stop at mail service? Succès SecretUnlocked the puzzle box in the basement.
- 100The greatest story told Succès SecretUnlocked the puzzle box on the island.
- When the symbols turn crimson Succès SecretFound the way out from the lower garden.
- A ship in the attic Succès SecretFound the glowing thing in the attic.
- Don’t try this at home Succès SecretGot out from the root cellar safely.
- Bottle shooting skills Succès SecretRepaired the canon and found the glowing thing.
- Charming bone charms Succès SecretSolved the puzzle on the island and found the tube.
- A lighthouse of sorts Succès SecretSolved the second puzzle out on the island and found the ring.
- 100Every story needs a hero Succès SecretCompleted the game.
Midnight Hub
Lake Ridden
16 / 1 000
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