- 20CastleThe first acquaintance with the castle
- 40PyramidsThe first acquaintance with the pyramids
- 60Hell DungeonThe first acquaintance with hell
- 70LaboratoryThe first acquaintance with the laboratory
- 100Crystals in the castleCollect all the crystals in the castle
- 100Crystals in the pyramidsCollect all the crystals in the pyramids
- 100Crystals in hellCollect all the crystals in hell
- 100Crystals in the laboratoryCollect all the crystals in the laboratory
- 60DestroyerBreak 10 random items
- 100SaviorProtect the world from external threat
- 60ArsonistIgnite 3 random items
- 80Below zeroFreeze 3 random items
- 80KnightUse the sword 3 times
- 20DiverDive into the water
- 10GhostRelease a spirit
Liste des Succès