- 90Caught the KillerSolve the mystery and catch the culprit.
- 90UnlockedOpen the puzzle box and find its contents.
- 90Face FirstWitness an unusual use of Aki's kansei.
- 90Good GuessFigure out the killer, but there's no proof.
- 90There Will be BloodFigure out the killer, but they die.
- 90LockedSome of the suspects escape.
- 90Secret KnowledgeFigure out what's on the SD card.
- 90Who's to Say?Get to the end without figuring out the killer.
- 90Lost CulpritFail to stop the killer before they kill again.
- 50Flip the SwitchGo to the basement to restart the power.
- 90Relive DeathManage to read the body's final moments.
- 50Sticking TogetherChoose to explore together.
Liste des Succès