- 3525 LevelsBeat 25 Levels
- 5050 LevelsBeat 50 Levels
- 7580 LevelsBeat 80 Levels
- 100100 LevelsBeat 100 Levels
- 10A True ArtistCreate a Level in the Level Editor
- 30Clean SlateGet 75% in Slate with only Area Small, Area Time Short, and Ice Arena
- 25CollectorCollect 500 tokens
- 30Diminutive StatureGet 100% in Burst with only Area Small, Player Small, and Arena Small
- 5Geometric++Create a level that has at least 3 enemy waves
- 30Join the CoreCollect 12 Tokens in Gridlock with only Player Slow and Player Small
- 40Keeps Going and GoingBeat Energized without using a power up
- 30Lateral ThinkingSurvive 25 seconds in Lateral with only Arena Size Small
- 40Mission Impossible Succès SecretPlay an Impossible Trial
- 40Normal ModeSurvive Classic for 45 Seconds
- 30Sampling of WaresCollect 35 tokens in Assortment
- 40Silver LiningBeat Grim without getting hit
- 200Surmounted the Impossible Succès SecretBeat all Impossible Trials
- 30TrifoldSurvive 33 seconds in Tri with only Player Small, Small Arena, and Dark Arena
- 10Wouldn't It Be Cool If…Create a level that has at least 4 modifiers
- 10You got this!Die 10 times in a row in one level
26 / 1 000
6 astuces
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