- 80Control FreakFind and hoard the Trishakti
- 25Wrath of the RaakshasaLet Champaner face the wrath of the Raakhsasa
- 80Hapless HeroFind a path where Jehan is a celebrated hero with mixed feelings
- 25Welcome to the Triple-I Games Family!Watch the credits movie
- 25Moving on…Forgive yourself and make peace with your past
- 75Second fiddleFind the outcome where Jehan isn't burdened with authority
- 50AnnihilationDestroy Champaner in an instant
- 75Hail the RaakshasaFind a way to ensure the well being of the Raakshasas
- 50VengeanceCut down Aurthur the first time you meet him
- 50Changed my mindCut down Aurthur when given a second chance
- 80Friends foreverEnsure Kumar’s journey doesn’t end before your own
- 50ReconciliationFind the path in which Aurthur gives you the benefit of the doubt
- 50ForgivenessForgive Aurthur in your journey
- 25RefugeeMake choices forcing Priya to relocate
- 50Western District HeroFind an ally when everyone else has turned against you
- 50Powerful ParanoiaDiscover the downside of absolute power
- 80Unintended consequencesAlways abide by your town's values, even when you feel powerless
- 80Scrolls AficionadoFind and collect all scrolls in Champaner and Gibsonia
Triple-I Games LLC
Hindsight 20/20 – Wrath of the Raakshasa
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