- 100Hero of HammerwatchComplete all the other achievements.
- 5Stone GuardianDefeat the Stone Guardian.
- 5WardenDefeat the Warden.
- 5The Three CouncilorsDefeat the Three Councilors.
- 5WatcherDefeat the Watcher.
- 10Vampire LordDefeat the Vampire Lord.
- 30ThundersnowDefeat Thundersnow.
- 5Giant CrustwormDefeat Giant Crustworm.
- 10Queen IrisDefeat Queen Iris.
- 30NerysDefeat Nerys.
- 10Elder WispDefeat the Elder Wisp.
- 10Krilith's WolfDefeat Krilith's Wolf.
- 30AgentsDefeat the Agents.
- 5Chapter of LightUnlock the Priest.
- 5The Old DrunkardUnlock the Thief.
- 5The Pointy HatUnlock the Wizard.
- 5GladiatorUnlock the Gladiator.
- 5Magic AnvilFind the Magic Anvil.
- 5CraftsmanshipCraft 10 items at the Magic Anvil.
- 5AttunementAttune 10 items at the Magic Anvil.
- 10Book of MonstersFind Baltzar's Book of Monsters.
- 5Hidden TreasuresFind 50 secrets.
- 10The Outlook RestoredFully upgrade the Town.
- 10Beast SlayerKill 50,000 Beasts.
- 10ExorcistKill 75,000 Aberrations.
- 10DemolisherKill 10,000 Constructs.
- 10Combo KillerChain a combo of 500 kills.
- 10Valuable CompanionHave your companion collect 100,000 gold.
- 5Item GamblingTry your luck at item gambling.
- 50Forsaken Tower MercenaryBeat the Forsaken Tower with a mercenary.
- 50Pyramid of Prophecy MercenaryBeat the Pyramid of Prophecy with a mercenary.
- 50Moon Temple MercenaryBeat the Moon Temple with a mercenary.
- 50Forsaken Tower NG+Beat the Forsaken Tower in NG+.
- 75Pyramid of Prophecy NG+Beat the Pyramid of Prophecy in NG+.
- 75Moon Temple NG+Beat the Moon Temple in NG+.
- 10Expert HeroReach level 20 with a hero.
- 50Master HeroReach level 20 with all the classes.
- 5PrivateRecruit a mercenary private.
- 5Legacy ShopPurchase something at the Legacy Shop.
- 10Lunar ShieldBlock ten damage instances with your Lunar Shield.
- 10Celestial SignsSolve the constellation puzzle.
- 10Desert NavigationReach the Pyramid without encountering a great threat.
- 5Ancient LegendsConstruct 3 statues.
- 50ExsanguinationObtain 10 Blood Rites at the same time.
- 50Arena ChampionReach rank 10 in the Arena.
- 75GeneralReach General rank with a mercenary.
Heroes of Hammerwatch – Ultimate Edition
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