- 25CampaignerBuild a multi-map campaign
- 25ChampionWin 50 Deathmatch games
- 10Checkpoint!Place a Checkpoint in your map
- 10ContagiousPlay your first Infection game
- 25Dino HunterKill a dinosaur boss
- 25EngineerProgram 5 Terminals
- 15ExpendableKill 100 AI enemies
- 10Flag bearerPlay your first Team Capture-The-Flag game
- 25Flag hogSteal 25 flags in CTF
- 25Flag runnerWin 25 CTF games
- 40GenocideKill 5,000 AI enemies
- 10HaterRate another player's map as bad
- 25HazmatWin 25 Infection games
- 10I'm on your side!Play your first Team DeathMatch game
- 10Man with the GunPlay your first Gun Game game
- 25MarksmanKill 1,000 players with E-Bow
- 25MassacreKill 1,000 players with PFG
- 25Mr AssistReturn 25 flags in CTF
- 20NewbieFinish the first Blowfish campaign map
- 50Serial killerKill 1,000 players
- 25Slice-n-diceKill 100 players with ID Disc
- 25SniperKill 500 players with Gauss Rifle
- 25SplatterKill 500 players with Dual Zhotguns
- 100StonemasonPlace 10,000 blocks in Build mode
- 25SuicidalKill yourself 50 times
- 25SurvivorWin 25 Survival games
- 10Team playaPlace a Flag in your map
- 25TerminatedKill a robot boss
- 25TrapperKill 50 players with Speargun
- 50VeteranFinish the Blowfish campaign
Blowfish Studios
44 / 1 000
14 astuces
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